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Academic Translation Services

Standard Translation is available for manuscripts written in Portuguese and Spanish
For Standard Translation, we use state-of-the-art automation tools to enable rapid and accurate translations of technical documents. Translation is followed by professional English language editing by a speaker with Native English proficiency and an advanced degree in the relevant area of study.
Premium Translation is available for manuscripts written in Chinese
With Premium Translation, the document is matched to a native speaker with an advanced degree in the area of study relevant to the content to be translated, ensuring that the most appropriate keywords are used throughout the paper.
Paired with English Editing
Premium Chinese Translation includes an editing certificate and up to 1500 words of additional complimentary translation after the document is returned.
Quality guaranteed
We’re committed to helping you succeed.
AJE is trusted by the most respected names in scientific publishing
We’re also Nature’s preferred provider of author services.
Sample Translation with Editing
Our translation process
Provide us with your Chinese, Spanish, or Portuguese manuscript to begin the academic translation process.

Submit your manuscript in its final form
Our academic translation services are geared toward preparing a publication-quality manuscript, so please submit your manuscript to us in its final form.
Matched with in an expert in your area of study for every translation
We match your paper with translators who are experts in your field of study and who will accurately translate field-specific terms.
Perfectly translated to English
When your paper is returned to you, it will be indistinguishable from papers written by native English speakers.
Questions or concerns?
In addition to the free re-editing you get with your Premium Chinese Translation order, you can ask follow-up questions about the translation and editing of your manuscript.
Related services
Frequently asked questions
Questions for our editors? See common questions researchers like you ask our team.
The AJE Guarantee
Our services are backed by our Quality Guarantee
AJE Editing Certificate
All complete manuscripts submitted for our Premium Translation service are eligible to receive an AJE Editing Certificate.
Free re-edits with Premium
Premium Chinese Translation includes 3 years of unlimited free re-editing of your English text and one additional free translation of up to 1500 new words.
100% satisfaction guaranteed
We guarantee that if you are not satisfied with your manuscript, or if your journal says that the English in your paper needs improvement, we will re-edit your document for free until your manuscript is published.
Let us know if there are any issues
Please contact us if there are any problems with your translated manuscript and include specific examples (one or two sentences). If a journal mentions English as a problem, please include the file that you sent to the journal and all the comments from the journal.

Further assistance for researchers
Visit our AJE Scholar Author Resource Center for articles on preparing your manuscript, thesis, or grant.