Meet Our Editors: Kelsey, Social Sciences and Humanities
Meet one of AJE's Editors in the Social Sciences and Humanities
Updated on August 22, 2019
Kelsey, AJE Editor
“I hope that my work as an Academic Formatting Specialist helped our researchers overcome some of the sometimes seemingly silly roadblocks to publishing (citation format, overall manuscript layout requirements, confusing guidelines, etc.) As an Academic Editor, I hope that my edits have brought clarity to the work of our authors, as they've done the really difficult work of researching and writing, and we're here to help make sure that their hard-won knowledge is shared.”
How long have you been at AJE?
3 and a half years
What is your educational background?
I have a BA in history and art history/arts management from the University of San Francisco and an MA in history, focusing on medieval and early modern Europe, from the University of Delaware. I have a smattering of education in other fields, such as psychology and anthropology. I have 7 years of experience working in the museum field from which I learned a great deal about a great deal.
Which areas of study do you edit most often?
Management, urban studies, tourism/hospitality, sociology, history, literature, archaeology, women's studies, cultural studies, media studies.
What was the last trip you took?
I frequently travel to visit my partner in Europe and my family on the West Coast. My partner and I are planning a big trip to Japan in a year or two, and I couldn't be more excited!
What are your favorite things to do in your free time?
Read, write, travel, paint, and play roller derby.