Recipe for Research Publication Success [Infographic]
View this infographic to learn the recipe for creating a successful manuscript.
Updated on November 17, 2016

Creating a successful research manuscript is a lengthy and involved process. The process should not be rushed, and many of the aspects that make up a great paper must be carefully considered. In addition to the “recipe” below, we have included links to resources that will help as you develop the various sections of your manuscript for publication. Bon Appétit!
More resources:
Use only the best ingredients
- Materials and Methods - 7 writing tips
- Results - Best practices
- Introduction - Get a strong start
- Abstract - 6 tips to make a great first impression
Add finishing touches
- Figures - Best ways to use color [video]
- Transitions - Add effective transitions
- Title - How to choose a catchy title for your manuscript
Know how long to expect for time to acceptance