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Our English proofreading services
Who are your proofreaders?
Native English speakers
Degree at a top college or university
Years of proofreading experience
An expert in your area of study

Kerry Stricker
"My experience in research, teaching, and scientific writing has centered on ecology and environmental science, with a particular focus on the causes and consequences of invasions of natural communities by nonnative organisms. During my dissertation and postdoctoral work at the University of South Florida and the University of Florida, respectively, I collaborated on multiple NSF grant applications, successfully obtained grant funding from various other sources, and published several papers in competitive journals, often as first author. In my current position as a senior Academic Editor at AJE, I use this experience to help other scientists more effectively communicate their work and achieve their publication goals."

Robert Donovan, PhD
"My areas of expertise are comparative physiology and evolutionary biology, and my research focused on a wide range of topics, including muscle physiology and carbohydrate metabolism, skeletal morphology, the evolution of metabolic rate, and the biomechanics and neuroanatomy of avian flight. In my 15 years as a researcher and professor, I collaborated on NSF and NIH grant applications at multiple R1 universities and was active in serving as a consultant to my peers on their own grant applications. In my current position as a manager of grant services at AJE, I use my experience as a scientist and an editor to ensure that work is matched with highly qualified members of our team to best meet the needs of our customers."
AJE academic proofreading goes beyond fixing errors on a page
We help your chances of getting published in high impact journals
World-class academic proofreaders
Our team of editors has years of experience and advanced degrees in various fields. They have a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the nuances of language, ensuring that your writing is error-free, clear, and effective.
Affordable pricing
We offer competitive pricing for our English proofreading services without sacrificing quality. Our rates are based on the level of proofreading you require, and we offer discounts for larger projects.
Fast turnaround
We know that deadlines are crucial, and we strive to deliver your edited document on time. Depending on the level of proofreading you need, we offer turnaround times as fast as 24 hours.

AJE is trusted by the most respected names in scientific publishing
We’re also Nature’s preferred provider of author services.
Quick Pricing
Enter a word count to see service pricing below.
We offer top-quality proofreading services
We provide instant pricing for our services and make it easy to generate a price quote for your organization.
For papers with more than 40000 words, contact support to receive a price quote.
Standard Editing |
Features | |
Correct grammar, phrasing, language, and punctuation | |
Re-edits available | 10% Discount |
AJE Editing Certificate | |
Unlimited number of follow-up questions on your paper answered | |
Native English-speaking academic editor with experience in your field | |
Premium language editing for natural and correct English by a US-trained expert in your field | |
Top-level editing to optimize writing style and flow | |
Personal support from a Research Communication Partner | |
Internal PhD editors meet to identify priority manuscript issues | |
In-line comments about structure, logic, and argumentation from a field-specific expert | |
Editing certificate from Nature Research | |
Thorough developmental edit to best articulate your findings | |
Comprehensive strategic report |
Premium Editing |
Features | |
Correct grammar, phrasing, language, and punctuation | |
Re-edits available | Unlimited Premium Edits |
AJE Editing Certificate | |
Unlimited number of follow-up questions on your paper answered | |
Native English-speaking academic editor with experience in your field | |
Premium language editing for natural and correct English by a US-trained expert in your field | |
Top-level editing to optimize writing style and flow | |
Personal support from a Research Communication Partner | |
Internal PhD editors meet to identify priority manuscript issues | |
In-line comments about structure, logic, and argumentation from a field-specific expert | |
Editing certificate from Nature Research | |
Thorough developmental edit to best articulate your findings | |
Comprehensive strategic report |
VIP Editing |
Features | |
Correct grammar, phrasing, language, and punctuation | |
Re-edits available | Unlimited Premium Edits |
AJE Editing Certificate | |
Unlimited number of follow-up questions on your paper answered | |
Native English-speaking academic editor with experience in your field | |
Premium language editing for natural and correct English by a US-trained expert in your field | |
Top-level editing to optimize writing style and flow | |
Personal support from a Research Communication Partner | |
Internal PhD editors meet to identify priority manuscript issues | |
In-line comments about structure, logic, and argumentation from a field-specific expert | |
Editing certificate from Nature Research | |
Thorough developmental edit to best articulate your findings | |
Comprehensive strategic report |
Scientific Editing |
Features | |
Correct grammar, phrasing, language, and punctuation | |
Re-edits available | One free language re-edit |
AJE Editing Certificate | |
Unlimited number of follow-up questions on your paper answered | |
Native English-speaking academic editor with experience in your field | |
Premium language editing for natural and correct English by a US-trained expert in your field | |
Top-level editing to optimize writing style and flow | |
Personal support from a Research Communication Partner | |
Internal PhD editors meet to identify priority manuscript issues | |
In-line comments about structure, logic, and argumentation from a field-specific expert | |
Editing certificate from Nature Research | |
Thorough developmental edit to best articulate your findings | |
Comprehensive strategic report |
Proofreading samples
Download the provided samples of our editors’ process to see the benefits you get from our English Editing services.

Premium Editing
Download a sample to see what your manuscript will look like after Premium Editing. Notice the markings throughout the text and the comments in the margins. This example provides instances of proofreading to headings, grammar, and punctuation. It also features comments from a Research Communication Partner.

See what researchers like you say about our proofreading services

Y. Liang
This is the second time we use AJE to improve our manuscript. In 2009, I have used the AJE service for the first time, and then my manuscript was accepted for the publication in a journal in a short time without any written English problem. Thanks AJE for the revision. I am very pleased with their work and I highly recommend their services. I have recommended them to my colleagues and will still use them myself for my future manuscripts.

Y. Mao
Dear editors, This is my first time using AJE to improve my manuscript. I am satisfied with your high-quality and high-efficiency service. Thank you very much for your excellent editing. I would like to use AJE service again in the future and recommend it to my colleagues.

T. Walter
I first used the service for one of my manuscripts in Nov 2006 and was suprised by the professionality of the service. Well done! I will send again ...

A. Amiri
I have send my paper to Amercian Expert for English proofreading and their corrections and comments are very careful. I was very happy with the result.
How our proofreading services work

Place an order
Let us know your word count, area of study, and which proofreading service is best for your manuscript.

An editor in your field of study proofreads your manuscript
Our editing team spans over 447 areas of study.

Submit to your target journal
After you've corrected your manuscript after our world-class proofreading, you can be confident with your submission.
Frequently asked questions
Questions for our English proofreaders? See common questions researchers like you ask our team.
The AJE Guarantee
We strive to give you the best possible service for your academic manuscript.
100% satisfaction guarantee
We guarantee that if you are not satisfied with the proofreading of your manuscript or if a journal mentions English language errors, we will proofread your document again for free.
Discounted Standard and Premium Editing
If you need to add content or make substantial changes after receiving comments from the journal editor or reviewers, you may resubmit your paper for a discounted proofread. Our Premium Editing service provides more robust editing support.
Reach out with your concerns
Although a relatively rare occurrence, if a journal mentions English as a problem in a manuscript that we proofread, we want to know.
We work with you
If you are ever unhappy with our proofreading, we will work with you until you are satisfied. Please provide one or two specific examples or a few details about what is unsatisfactory.

Further assistance for researchers
Visit our AJE Scholar Author Resource Center for articles on preparing your manuscript, thesis, or grant.