Author Kurt Spurlock, MA, ELS

Mr. Spurlock is the Quality Manager at AJE, where he contributes to product development and outlines quality standards for our services. Prior to joining AJE in 2008, he completed a BS in physics and an MA in English Literature from the University of North Carolina. During his time in graduate school, he taught numerous classes on writing, including classes on writing in the natural sciences. Mr. Spurlock is also certified by the Board of Editors in the Life Sciences (BELS).

Kurt Spurlock, MA, ELS

Kurt Spurlock, MA, ELS

Quality Manager

6 results

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  • Peer Review

Editing Tip: Using 'That' as a Complementizer

When the word 'that' is used to introduce a clause, it has a different purpose and grammatical structure from its other uses.

by Kurt Spurlock, MA, ELS

3 min

  • Article
  • Writing
  • Peer Review

Editing Tip: “Due To” and “Because Of”

  • 'Due to' and 'because of' can sometimes be interchanged but actually have some nuances related to their use
  • 'Due' is an adjective, although the phrase 'due to' is increasingly used adverbially or prepositionally
  • 'Due to the fact that' can often be replaced by 'because,' shortening text considerably

by Kurt Spurlock, MA, ELS

2 min

One red pencil in a group of grayscale pencils represents the need for a grammar glossary for authors
  • Article
  • Writing

Glossary of Grammar

This is our glossary of terms that we use in our articles.

by Kurt Spurlock, MA, ELS

8 min

Research Square, Parent Brand of AJE, Joins COPE
  • Article
  • Ethics
  • Research Process
  • +1

Research Square, Parent Brand of AJE, Joins COPE

In 2015, Research Square, AJE's parent brand, joined COPE to demonstrate its dedicated support to ethical practices in research communication.

by Kurt Spurlock, MA, ELS

2 min

a chalkboard that says ethics
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  • Ethics
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Ethics and Author Services

Maintaining the integrity of the research communication process is critical for all parties involved. As author services companies like AJE more and more frequently assist authors in preparing a manuscript for publication, it is important to consider what behavior is appropriate on the part of a third-party service provider.

by Kurt Spurlock, MA, ELS

3 min

a compass pointing to the word guidelines
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  • Research Process
  • Peer Review
  • +3

For Editors: Clarifying Your Author Guidelines

by Kurt Spurlock, MA, ELS

1 min