How to Share Your Research Video [Video]
Videos are a great tool to help promote your research. Watch our video to find out how to share them to increase the impact of your work.
Updated on September 13, 2018

Sharing your research with your colleagues, the research community, and a global audience begins when your findings are published, but it doesn't have to stop there. With an ever-growing list of online tools to help people communicate, the opportunities for researchers to share their work more broadly continues to increase.
Not only do these tools provide researchers with a platform to voice their findings, they also allow researchers the creativity to share their work in interesting and engaging ways. Researchers are no longer limited to words on a page, or only producing figures in black and white. They can now include their own personal touches by adding color to figures, and can attract wider audiences through videos, posters, and maintaining a presence on social media.
Best ways to share a video about your research
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Once your video is produced and has been added to Vimeo, YouTube, Instagram's IGTV, or both, there are many channels that you can use to distribute it. Keep in mind not to focus too narrowly on just one.
Instead, try several (if not all) of the options. See which ones work best for you and your area of study. The video below discusses different ways that you can share your video.
Benefits of using video to share your research
With Vimeo engaging more than 240 million users and YouTube attracting more than 2.3 billion users, video is an optimal medium for researchers to use to share their work. Popular video formats include, but are not limited to animated, whiteboard, and explainer. Vimeo and YouTube are both great options to host your video online, but to maximize the impact of your video, you will want to also put effort into sharing it.
Once you've shared a research video, how do you know if it has been successful?
Watch this video to find out how you can track it.
Researchers already have a great deal to manage - their contribution in a lab, teaching, perhaps parts of grant funding, writing manuscripts, and many other tasks. Therefore, the thought of using additional time to highlight one's work may sound frivolous or even too self-promotional.
However, the benefits of having your work shared broadly are worth the investment of time and energy. Not only do you increase your chances of having your work cited (and increase your Altmetric score), but ultimately you ensure your findings reach more people and have a greater impact.
What has your experience been in promoting your work? What are your thoughts about using video to share your research? We'd love to hear from you! Post your thoughts and ideas on @researchsquare via Twitter.
For information about Research Square's video services, visit website.